Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Recipe of the Week: Lemon-Mint Water

It's always important to drink plenty of water and particularly so in warmer weather.

The following simple recipe (from Heather Flournoy, Deli Manager at Organic Connection) creates an even more refreshing drink:

Place two stems of fresh peppermint or spearmint, or applemint into a half gallon glass pitcher, fill with filtered water or spring water, add 4 slices of lemon. Place in refrigerator, covered for one to two hours before serving.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Banana Nut Ice Cream

By Tara Schapers, Bulk Department Manager, Organic Connection

1-2 ripe bananas
2 tbsp. pine nuts
2 tbsp. raw tahini

Cut bananas into bite size pieces and freeze over night.

Place frozen banana pieces, pine nuts, tahini, and vanilla in heavy duty blender. (VitaMix recommended).

Carob Sauce Topping: In blender, place half cup of water, two tbsp. raw tahini and blend together. Add 2 tbsp. honey, blending one tbsp. at a time. Add half cup of carob, blending gradually. Add half tsp. of vanilla. Enjoy!